Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Angel Hair With Marinara Sauce

Ugh. Is anyone else exhausted? This first week of school is making me long for summer. We did the usual things to prepare for school. We bought school supplies--crayons, dry erase markers, Purell, pencils, tomato paste. Aww yeah...

In an effort to de-Grinchify my daughters' hair I applied a small can of Great Value tomato paste to their hair with a barbecue brush. I didn't spring for the name brand paste. Long story short, it removed the green and totally ruined my appetite for Italian food.

Macey and Olivia love school. UGH. I'm slowly coming to terms with the beginning of the school year. Chancho and his cousin Diego are super excited about it. Here they are, celebrating in the school parking lot.

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Paxton said...

Haha, good to know with blondes! And here I thoughtnshe got sprayed by a skunk ;-)
When does Chancho start school? And is he doing preschool or anything? I suddenly realized that every other kid Mak's age is going to preschool! Does that mean she's already behind? Or am I just stressing myself out!
Anyways I really need to call you because I keep thinking of you and missing you!

Meegan, the Evil Stepmother said...

I totally thought that was just a myth. Good to know. . .