Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Two weeks later...

Sorry about the blog silence. You know how it is - school is in, so I find myself driving to and from the elementary school about twenty times a day. Sometimes I think it would be easier to camp out on the school lawn with just a sleeping bag and a cooler full of salsa and chocolate milk.

On top of that there are the wild pool parties.
And the cousin visiting from Ohio for the weekend.
And I was in charge of concocting ten billion centerpieces for the church potluck.
Oh, and DJ came home with all of our Seattle crap to unpack, plus a hundred or so pounds of halibut and salmon to find a home for. Plus two enormous boxes of Washington peaches that I feel guilty about not turning into jam. Plus two large sacks of Washington corn, which is still stuck in my teeth. Plus a beard.
Somewhere in there my girls started ballet.
And my garage door broke. For a day or two it hung open at a wonky angle, officially making ours the classiest house in the cul de sac. My husband and brother in law finally monkeyed it back into place, but I assure you we are still classy. When I came home from Seattle I discovered our swingset leaning toward the ground at a roughly 45 degree angle, where it remains to this day.

I am also supposed to be writing my "humor" column right now. I'm currently 72 hours past my deadline and for some reason my brain is just NOT in funny mode. I keep trying to write and it is not coming out humorous. It is coming out like a technical manual.

Here's where we find out if this new Blogger app works. Cross your fingers.


Jenn said...

Welcome back to insane soccer mom land. Why is it still okay for me to say that when no one in my family plays soccer?

Bring your peaches and your family to my house on Sunday (if they are still okay)and we will make raspberry peach jam...I just learned how!

Cathy's Blog said...

I would taken the halibut of your hands if I wasn't so far away. Glad to see DJ is home safe and sound!!

Tawny said...

I did use the S word :)