Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Horn Tooting

Excuse me, I feel inclined to toot my own horn.

Political Science 1100, how I loathe thee! You are a despicable class. You require me to debate about political issues for which there is no solution. You test me on opinions and theories that I don't understand. Your textbook is coma-inducing. Also, your classroom is frigid, has unflattering fluorescent lighting, and smells vaguely of erasers and feet. But today, Political Science, you are my friend.

I have taken my first political science test. Not only did I pass the first test, but I got the second highest score in all of the instructor's classes. 98%! All together now: HALLELUJAH!

Horn tooting over.

As you were.


Meegan Alfred said...

you deserve to toot your horn merely for taking that class. Poly sci??? UGH.

Meegan Alfred said...

And nice job on the test! :-)

Marie Says Yes said...

basically, you are a genius!

Jenn said...

I have a great story about tooting...but I will save that for another time. CONGRATS! You rock!
Take that Political Science 1100!

Kathy Habel said...

Way to go!

Tawny said...

Tooty -toot- Toot- Toot !! AWAY!!!

MR. Alfred said...

And here I thought it was going to be a post on farting...

sigh, maybe next time

Elise said...

Nope. If this had been a post about flatulence the title would have been "Ding".

Cathy's Blog said...

Way to go Lesylinna!!! I hate text books most of them are coma inducing, the authors are always trying to sound intelligent while losing the student in the process!! I am so proud of you!!

Cathy's Blog said...

Hey I made my blog only accessable to those I have given permission to and I need your email address to give you permission. Can you send it to me to cgabrahamson@gmail.com
Thanks Cat